
Thursday, November 15, 2012


So much for compromise! Obama tells newsmen today that he's open for compromise on the Bush tax cuts. Then, in the next breath, as long as the cuts don't extend to the upper one percent. I don't know about you, but that doesn't equate to a compromise to me.
  House Republicans know how to raise revenues by eliminating 'deductions', which will bring in revenue without jeopardizing job growth, Democrats know this to, it's been done before. The problem is, Obama isn't going to accept any ideas from Republicans. Now, if a Democrat would partner with Republicans, he MIGHT decide to use the ideas, but all you have to do is listen to the words. He's still calling Republicans 'stubborn', 'uncompromising',' far right', the same as before the election. He's more determined than ever to 'destroy capitalism,' to fulfill his "Fathers Dream!"
  'We the People', are going to have to step-up! We need to tell our Senators and Congressmen, and the President, that just because he won the election with half the country behind him, he still has the other half of the County to work with. He seems to think he can just ignore the rest of us and do what he wants. I think the people want him to work WITH Republicans, not strong arm them into submission!
  We know, the first organization he has to the White House after the election, was the Union Leaders, then came the Corporate big wigs. Where was Small Business, or the Religious Leaders?. How does he plan to help the Blacks and Latinos, without reaching out to communities? He should know about Community Organizers, he got his presidential experience when he worked for Acorn!
  Small Business cannot afford the costs that Corporations can, yet the rules are the same for both, and their income tax is jumping another 5-7%, Obama wants to be sure nobody has any money to fall back on, or to invest in the future, so Capital Gains taxes are doubling. If you want to leave anything to your children, well, they may get 40%, after taxes.
   How do you get past the partisanship? How are 'We the People", going to work together as a "Country"?  As Human Beings with a common mission? I think most people in this Country want  the same basic things in life, for themselves, and their family's.  So, as Kennedy asked in a speech he made, " Ask not, what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country".
  Washington is going to need help from us to do the right thing. Not special interest talking for us, but we as citizens, who put these people in office, and can elect them out again if they didn't do what they promised. We have to call, write, e-mail, whatever it takes to let BOTH sides have a voice.
  I'm having a really hard time in trusting this administration, I don't feel he's looking out for our interests, I feel he's looking out for the Unions, Environmentalists, and himself.

Sunday, November 11, 2012


  Well, the "People", have chosen. Now what?? I watch a lot of news, from a lot of sources, and most of what I'm hearing is, "Recession." But, I'm going to one-up them and go with "Depression"!!
  The EPA has issued 7,000 new regulations on Business, in the last 90 days, (Obama asked them to wait until AFTER the election to implement them).  We have almost  17 Trillion dollars of debt, 27-35 Trillion in UN-funded liability, ( Pensions, Social Security, Wages,Medicare, Obama-Care, etc.)  And the" People", have elected to keep all the grid-lock in Washington, in place! So, where do we go from here?
  I can guarantee you, the EPA isn't done yet!! The Energy Dept. hasn't weighed in yet, and the Dept. of Human Services, well, you connect the dots. Obama wants more Teachers, and Infrastructure, (more debt).  We have a house divided, and a President that thinks that "taxing the rich", is going to get him off the hook!
  I don't know about YOU, but, I don't see this ending well! I hope everyone who voted for Obama is happy with the decision they made, because your stuck with your decision now, and I really pray it doesn't bite us ALL in the ass!!!
  Who knows, we might get lucky!! December 21, 2012 is just a month away!!!