
Sunday, November 11, 2012


  Well, the "People", have chosen. Now what?? I watch a lot of news, from a lot of sources, and most of what I'm hearing is, "Recession." But, I'm going to one-up them and go with "Depression"!!
  The EPA has issued 7,000 new regulations on Business, in the last 90 days, (Obama asked them to wait until AFTER the election to implement them).  We have almost  17 Trillion dollars of debt, 27-35 Trillion in UN-funded liability, ( Pensions, Social Security, Wages,Medicare, Obama-Care, etc.)  And the" People", have elected to keep all the grid-lock in Washington, in place! So, where do we go from here?
  I can guarantee you, the EPA isn't done yet!! The Energy Dept. hasn't weighed in yet, and the Dept. of Human Services, well, you connect the dots. Obama wants more Teachers, and Infrastructure, (more debt).  We have a house divided, and a President that thinks that "taxing the rich", is going to get him off the hook!
  I don't know about YOU, but, I don't see this ending well! I hope everyone who voted for Obama is happy with the decision they made, because your stuck with your decision now, and I really pray it doesn't bite us ALL in the ass!!!
  Who knows, we might get lucky!! December 21, 2012 is just a month away!!!

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