
Tuesday, October 2, 2012


   When Obama took office gas was $1.85 a gallon! I could actually afford to drive to California to see my Kids and Grand kids!  I didn't even mind going to see my in-laws! Now? I can't afford to fill my tank once a month. I have to manage all my appointments, shopping and anything else I 'think' I might need to do, so my gas last's til next payday!
   Food has risen 40% since Obama took office! But, according to the Obama Administration, there's no inflation! My phone, utilities and cable have increased 20-30%. Have you looked at your bills lately? What they don't try to squeeze from your paycheck, (or lack of) they add to every item that consumers use. $10.00 in every kind of taxes, just on my Vonage phone bill!  My Electric bill? The electricity itself, $109.67. But then there's delivery charge for baseline $7.75, over baseline, $44.88, lets not forget the $8.00 for being a customer! Then we have Green Energy charges $11.83, State tax, $10.49, county, RUCO, ACC assessment charges? Only $.94, so by the time they add all that, the bill is $171.62!  I UN-plug everything! My air conditioner is set at 76'.
   When Obama was elected it was high enough, yet it's increased about 30%, and it was on the new's today it's been approved for increases. So, tell me, Obama say's he want's an "all the above" Energy program, yet he does NOT approve the Keystone pipeline, his EPA, ( I call it his, because of the power he gave them!) put such stringent regulations on the coal industry that 8 mines have announced they are closing, which accounts for over 30% of the Electricity produced. He refuses to give out drilling permits, yet takes credit for how much oil is being drilled from permits Bush approved, and the drilling on private lands. He's given BILLIONS of $$ to Brazil for drilling there, ( George Soros Petroleum Co.) We can't forget the Billions the Energy Dept. has thrown away for Green Energy, which I might add is Congress's job! Obama has circumvented the Congress whenever he doesn't get what he wants, The Dream Act, to name just one.
  It took less than 4 yrs to get here, what will he do in another 4? You can't keep blaming Republicans when you just keep going around them anyway!

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