
Sunday, September 30, 2012


  We have a a number of things coming together to throw the U. S. into chaos, we need to protect ourselves, with information!
  It's all out there! We are in the age of information, the internet has all the information you need to learn who's telling you the truth! Your not going to get it from Main Stream Media, they have been bought! . Go to Twitter and click on some of the links that people post, but you have to be OPEN to the truth! It's so easy to just block what you don't want to believe and chalk it up to conspiracy's! There's also the Blaze, Patriot Lemonade, or you can really go to the source, Conduit has apps to every newspaper and TV station in the world! Iran, boy do they HATE the US and Israel! There's Egypt, Iraq, Russia, China. There's 30 something days left to the Election! 15 min. a day to learn the truth, isn't to much time to spend to keep your FREEDOM!!Your FREEDOM is whats at stake!
   I used to be a loyal Democrat, but they have been corrupted by the Progressive Party! George Soros is a card carrying Progressive-Socialist- One World Order, Billionaire, who has bought and sold Obama and Clinton! Soros has just donated 1 Million $$ to Obama's re-election super-pac. Clinton and Soros are co- founders of "Center for American Progress", a progressive organization that promotes a "One World Order,"along with the United Nations!
  You can look Soros up on Wikipedia! They have some good biography on him.
  Not only have we had the longest recession in recorded history, we have the largest deficit of any administration in the history of the United States, and all in the past 8 yrs. Over 16 Trillion dollars! 6 of that in just under 4 yrs! But, that's just the tip of the iceberg, we also have another 10-15 Trillion in UN-funded pensions and health care, and obligations we've made to country's all over the world.
    We have the turmoil in the Middle East. Doesn't it seem to anyone that this is looking a little all to 'set-up' to anyone? Obama and Clinton have aligned themselves with the Muslim Brotherhood, known as the hub of radical Islam, every radical branch of Islam started in the Muslim Brotherhood! Ask any moderate Muslim is America, they will tell you, what Obama and Clinton are doing is to the demise of the United States and Israel! After helping to oust the leaders of Libya and Egypt, they decide it's okay for the Muslim Brotherhood to take control. Yes, the leaders of those country's were dictators, but they were, 'at least', keeping at bay the terrorists who would, "wipe-out" Israel and the West! Secretary Clinton's adviser and 'right hand' has already been identified as part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama has refused to 'draw a line in the sand" with Iran, knowing that they are still working on getting a Nuclear Bomb, and at the UN conference, Iran literally said, the US wasn't going to do anything to stop them. We have people who are KNOWN to have conspired with the 9/11 terrorists, sitting in the White House, at a Muslim prayer dinner, with the President! Yet he "says", he stands with Israel.  I'm sorry, if it looks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it's a DUCK!!
   Obama say's a lot of things, he's made a lot of promises, and yet he hasn't done ANYTHING but BLAME! Everything is everyone's fault but his. Usually the Republicans won't do this or has blocked that, but if you pay attention to what's happening in the House and Senate, ( C-Span ) you would know that it's not just the Republican House, The Senate even has stood in his way on the 'Job's Bill', and his 'Budget", they both would have hurt us and cost Billions! A President is suppose to reach across the isle, work with both sides, yet, he doesn't communicate with ANYONE, Republican or Democrat!  He tells Reid what he wants and walks away. THAT is not leading!
  Obama says he wants jobs for the American people, yet he hasn't met with his Job's Council since January! G.E., the head of his jobs council just 'outsourced' thousands of jobs to China, you don't hear anything about that in the media.
  There's an old saying, "Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see". That especially is true with Obama. I know people are going to say I'm a racist, I hate Muslims and all the other CRAP the left says when you disagree with the status-quot. But I'll tell you one thing, when you continually notice that what is being said, doesn't match what's actually happening, then you need to 'connect the dots'.

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