
Tuesday, September 18, 2012


  Well, Mike and I have lost 3 Doctors this year, thank you Obama, Pelosi and Reid! The Affordable Health Care Act is driving doctors to retire early, or find another line of work. Yesterday my doctor told me that everything you THINK you know about Obama-care, is just an illusion! Everything they TOLD you about Obama-care, is a lie!
  Obama, Pelosi and Reid have developed a Health Care system that changes, without warning, to fit whatever DHHS, (Dept. of Health and Human Services) wants it to be.  The medicine your on today, can be eliminated tomorrow, depending on what a panel of 17 bureaucrats decide. The 17 are not JUST for Medicare, it's for the whole healthcare system! The objective is to eliminate private health insurance altogether and put everyone into a Federal Health Care System.
  When you think about Obama-care, think of the movie with Ashton Kutcnher, when he wants to change the future, the health care bill is a constantly changing entity.      
   Each patient costs him one hour of paperwork, and another for the computer! So far they have changed the program 3 times, (in 1 yr.), as he says it, they may decide tomorrow that the medication I have prescribed for you is to expensive or doesn't work, and just stop it! If I order an MRI to check the progression of your disease, they will decide if it's medically necessary or cost effective. It's no longer between you and your Dr., the whole program is designed to sever the relationship and insert a third party, non-doctor, to decide what you need, how much you need, and if your worth having it!
  The program was created so everyone, (except them) gets the exact same care at the lowest price. It is costing Dr.'s thousands of dollars to comply with the changes being made, and they are cutting the amount the Dr.'s are being paid. So, fewer Dr.'s, this is for the whole Health Care System.
  The whole idea of a 'healthcare system' where you can pick the coverage you want, pay the premiums you can afford, is all a load of crap!  Ask your Doctor! If, they have time to talk to you, because if it doesn't change, you talking to your Dr. will be impossible, because he has to see 10 patients, just to break even on the requirements that have been levied on them!
  You haven't noticed the changes over this past year? If your young with no health issues probably not, but, if you have a condition where you see a Dr. on a regular basis, that's another story.
   Have you noticed that they don't come in the room with your file any more? Now they come in with a computer. A lot of Dr.s will ask you to keep your conversation on the health issues only! One of my Dr.'s has a letter in each room, saying  'please don't talk to Dr. once he start's typing on the computer, and please, keep the conversation on the medical issue only!' The waiting time is getting longer, and the visit shorter.
   I don't know about everyone, but it doesn't come easy for me to trust Dr.'s. I want to know that my Dr. is looking out for ME! That he's giving me the attention I deserve, to get the best care possible. I don't believe in one size fit's all medicine. Well I didn't, I guess I'm going to have to get used to it if this "Affordable Health Care" isn't overturned.
   That's the problem with Government wanting to 'take care of you', you only get as much as they want you to have.

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