
Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Well, the elections are right around the corner and everyone has a decision to make.
    Are you going to vote?
You have two choices the way I see it. You can vote for capitalism, which is what this country was founded on, or, you can vote for the redistribution of wealth and socialism.
Do you believe that the Government knows the best way to spend your money?
Or do you believe that YOU should decide how to spend your money?
Do you believe that more TAX'S are going to fix the economy?
Or, do you believe more JOBS, will fix the economy?
Do you believe the government should say who gets to succeed?
Or, do you believe you should be the captain of your own destiny?
Do you believe the United States should bow to the rest of the world?
Or ,do you believe that the United States is exceptional, and should lead by example?
Do you believe that the United States should apologize for it's freedom?
Or, do you believe that the freedom the United States embraces is what everyone should have the opportunity to have? (without force!)
Here are some fact's, 1). The United States is 16+ TRILLION dollars in DEBT! 2). We have 8% Unemployment, which is actually more that 10% if you count people who 'gave-up'. 3) We have a deadlocked House and Senate because, the  Democratic Senate wants more taxes, the House doesn't.
  4)The whole American light bulb industry was closed down by the Obama Administration, so we can buy bulbs from China. 5) Obama stopped the Keystone pipeline from going through the U.S. which would help lower fuel costs, now China is buying the petroleum company from Canada, along with the leases on U.S. land! 6). The Obama administrations EPA has declared war on the coal industry that supplies 1/3rd of the countries electricity, and 8 coal mines closed this week due to excessive, expensive regulations. 7) Obama swore to protect  the United States from all enemy's, foreign and domestic , yet refuses to protect the Mexican border. Obama swore as President of the United States to defend and protect the U.S. Constitution, yet he refuses to enforce the immigration laws, and BROKE the law by telling the Dept. of Justice and the Immigration IGNORE the law.
We are a country founded on laws, yet we have a President who want's to pick and choose the laws he wants to enforce. That's great for the people it benefits, but what about the rest of us? How is ignoring immigration laws and letting people cross our borders from all over the world, helping the U.S.? We don't have job's now, and we're going to add people who don't pay tax's to the job market? And what about the people crossing that aren't here to work? The Drug cartels, terrorists. What about them? We have immigration laws so we know who's here, so where does that leave us? I don't agree with all the laws either, some should be eliminated or changed. But when I ignore the laws I don't like I go to JAIL!!
  Do we really want someone that holds the most powerful position in this country, to make 'his own' laws? To decide and micro-manage where every dollar will be spent, and on who or what he wants?  Do you want him making deals with other country's, without, 'We the People', knowing anything about it, like the one's he's making now with Mexico and the U.N. to eliminate our Second Amendment and eliminate our right to bear arms? Then the one with Mexico to make it legal for Mexican Citizens to collect Social Security benefits from the U.S. without having to prove they earned those benefits HERE? Do you really want YOUR tax dollars going to educate Mexican Citizens, when you can't afford for your own kids to go?
There is a lot more going on, but unless your spending all your time watching news ,watching C-Span, listening to every word that comes out of Washington, it's impossible to know it all. But what you could do is your homework. Don't believe every word the mainstream media tells you, (they have their own agenda), especially when what's happening around you contradicts all those words! Make your decision on what's right for you and your family, not what's politically correct! Don't depend on Washington to "fix" everything, they DON'T have YOUR best interests in mind!
                                               DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK!
                          NOT FOR WHAT THEY TELL YOU IS BEST FOR YOU!

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