
Friday, September 28, 2012


                            The Bible warned that 'People will become Blind'.
    Obama and the State Department knew of the security problems at our Embassy before it happened! They knew within 24 hrs.that it had NOTHING to do with some stupid movie, and continued to LIE to the American people.
   Obama and the State Dept. are complicit in the death of 4 people, and endangering the lives of the man, (stupid as he was) who made the movie, and his family, by sending the FBI to 'perp-walk' him, in front of the media, to question and detain him!
   The President and Clinton are as guilty of murder as the people who actually did the killing!!
   Why does the Obama Administration continue to refuse to call a spade a spade? We are fighting a very well organized, determined enemy! Radical Islam!! Yet they won't talk about it, in fact, they "tip-toe" around it like their tongue will fall out by just mentioning it!  Why is it, that no-one in the Obama Administration is ALLOWED to mention it? Why is the person who was elected to the highest position in the country, the man who SWORE to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States, working with the very people who have sworn to DESTROY the United States and Israel?
    Why is it, that anytime the administration is asked about Radical Islam, they are branded as racist? They are accused of being against Muslims. Why is Obama, Clinton and Eric Holder passing laws, and working with the United Nations, to make it a crime to mention Islam at all??
   Why is killing, imprisoning, and condemning Christians and Jews okay, yet NOT Radical Islam??
  How do you fight an enemy that your not allowed to talk about, learn about, or question, because it may "offend" radical Islam? Why do we have people in the administration who are known Brotherhood, in positions of policy decisions? Why are they "training", our soldiers about Islam, before their sent to Afghanistan to be killed by the same Organization?

  This has to do with the policies of this Administration! The killing of our people at our Embassy,
 has to do with Egypt wanting to bring the 'Blind Sheik home', The same Blind Sheik that bombed the World Trade center in '93, and the fact that Obama and Clinton are considering releasing him, for   humanitarian reasons! It has to do with Clinton's closest adviser, Wiener's wife, being part of the Muslim Brotherhood!
   This has everything to do with the President of the United States, wanting to bring down the United States, and making it part of a "New World Order", With the Radical Islam in charge!! It has to do with the President of the United States being a traitor to the American People, and to the Constitution that he swore to to defend, and the Citizens that elected him!
  The information is out there, all the proof you need, watch, 'the Project", it was on Dish Wed. & Thurs. nite, but you can also watch it at "The Blaze", on archive.
   The American People have got to WAKE UP!!! We are being sold out to the Enemy!!!  This needs to come out into the open!

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