
Monday, January 28, 2013


  I'm scared to death! If you watch the news, if you see the violence all around this Country, and the World. The Feinstein Bill to ban 'assault weapons', is one scarey deal. And where will it stop? Hand guns next? Knives? How about cars?
  Let's look at this rationally. The 'kid' who killed all those Children and Teachers in the School shootings was one sick individual. His Mother had done everything 'legally' possible to get help for her son, right up to trying to have him committed.
  That 'kid', tried to purchase  the guns he wanted to do the job, but THE LAWS WORKED! He could NOT buy the guns that he had intended to use. Instead, he killed his Mother, and took HER guns. Tell me this, how would the "Feinstein Bill", have stopped it?  The Bill would keep all citizens from owning those weapons, EXCEPT, Government workers, Police, Homeland Security, etc. Who's to say their 'son's', wouldn't get hold of the  guns, or they are stolen from them?
  The Politicians would have you believe that private citizens don't need those guns, the Police can protect you. How has THAT been working? Criminals get guns, people are killed every day by criminals, in home invasions, robbery's, drive byes, etc. so, where were the Police in those incidents?
  I'm sorry, but, the Police can't be everywhere now, can they? Unless that Officer is standing in your living room when those intruders break in, they aren't going to do you one bit of good. They may catch them on the way out, IF you were able to call them in the first place, otherwise, forget it. All you can hope for is that they are caught and prosecuted later, but look at the facts, maybe one in 10 'stranger' murders are actually caught.
  Obama and Clinton have a "Treaty" in the works now that would give the UN the jurisdiction, or power to confiscate those guns, ALL of them, how will that 'protect' you?!
  Look at the States with the strictest gun laws. They have the HIGHEST crime rate in the Country. So, before you tell your Senator or Congressman to pass that Bill, maybe you should look at the facts first.

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