
Thursday, November 14, 2013


   Obama is NOW ready to 'stand by his word', "If you like your Health Care, you can keep it, PERIOD". How generous of him! He couldn't do that BEFORE (5) MILLION people lost their insurance? Just HOW does he think the Insurance Company's are going to do that?It's not just something you can 'take back', we know HE doesn't care about the LAW, but what would happen if nobody did? There are State agency's involved to, you can't just do an about face or, 're-do'!
  Didn't the Government just "shut-down" for TWO WEEKS, because the 'President,' REFUSED to negotiate with Republicans?  Didn't the SAME Democrats that are now calling for delays, REFUSE to vote with Republicans to DELAY the 'Individual Mandate'?
   They knew this LAW wasn't going to work! They knew that Millions of people were going to loose their Health Care, yet, not ONE Democrat was willing to cross party lines.
   Hasn't half the Country been telling Washington they didn't want this Health Care Law?
   That was before the Democrats coming up for re-election found out they are in trouble! NOW  
they want to "fix it".
     I'm sorry, I just don't know how Obama thinks he can change the law! Our Constitution is very specific in what the President is allowed to do! For someone who say's he's a Constitutional Lawyer, Scholar, whatever, he can't just say do it & it be done! There are to many things involved here.
   Personally, I'm ready to take a megaphone and hit the street's! I'm so disgusted with BOTH party's, they KNOW the Constitution, yet nobody is calling Obama out on it! I know Republicans are a minority in Washington, but enough is enough!
   If it was just this one thing,maybe, but Obama has been violating the Constitution since he took office, and the Media & Democrats have been covering his ass on it!.

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