
Sunday, January 5, 2014

2014-2016 ELECTIONS

   Unless the "PEOPLE", stand-up for The Constitution & Bill of Rights, then you might as well start carrying a pillow to kneel on, because you WILL be kneeling & bowing to the 'Dictator' of the United States!  Hell, you already ARE! Just look at Washington now.
   When was the last time your Government ASKED for your opinion? Look how they 'demonize' the 'Tea Party'. The 'Tea Party' is nothing more that 'Citizens', AMERICAN Citizens who want Washington to HEAR them. They want the people WE elected, to follow the Constitution when they are passing Law's, Regulations & Tax's! We expect, no, DEMAND that they OBEY the OATH they Swore on a BIBLE to UPHOLD & DEFEND!
   Problem is, they are ERASING the Constitution. The Constitution is NOT being taught or learned in school, except a couple of paragraphs here and there in the American History Class.  If you want to know more, you actually have to take it as an elective class.  If your parents are not promoting the principals of the Constitution, you probably only know some of the main ones, like the 1st & 2nd Amendments, which by the way, Obama & the Progressive Socialists are trying to destroy.
  They use natural events as an excuse to "take your guns', they use "global warming"as a way to 'tax' more. You explain to me how taxing 'carbon' is going to 'fix' the weather, that, by the way is in GOD'S hands, and if your an Atheist, whatever they believe controls NATURE.
   The 2014 Elections are just a few months from now, November. If we even HAVE Elections,  there's a lot that's going to be happening in the next few months. Obama has pushed to much & to far. If you REALLY want to know what is going on behind the scenes, you will have to check out some of the internet new's stations, like, the Alex Jones show, the Blaze, Commonsense news, and MANY more. Go to you-tube and type in 'OBAMA'.... you will get LOT'S of INDEPENDENT journalists!
  Please! VOTE!!! Your voice WILL be heard, but you have to use your vote!
Tell Washington what you want buy WHO you vote for! Ask questions, get involved! If you don't, you will loose the little power that We the People still have. 

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