
Thursday, December 5, 2013


     Not only does the website not work, it's not secure, never was! No Security  Code was ever entered into the website & still isn't!! EVERYONE who uses the website to sign up, is playing Russian roulette with their identity and credit. The site is just the tip of the iceberg, and Obama knows it, and doesn't care!
    You CAN'T keep your Doctor, you CAN'T keep your policy,and in some cases, you CAN'T keep your Hospital,
     Everyday more and more problems are showing it's little head, and Obama is just digging in, like his press conference yesterday.   Challenging "the other side", to just TRY to change it, or "come up with something different", which, they TRIED to do BEFORE Obama Care passed! I watched the ONE time Obama had both parties together, Democrats on one side, Republicans on the other, and EVERY idea by Republicans,  REJECTED, as "more of the same", and leaves things in the Insurance Company's hands. The Federal Government's hands are BETTER???
  Again, it's the Republicans fault that there are so many blunders with Obama Care. It doesn't matter that Obama & Democrats refused to use ANY of their suggestions for the Health Care Bill, it doesn't matter that Republicans tried to tell the Democrats & Obama that the Law doesn't & won't work, or that they tried over 30 times to get it overturned. No, it's the Republicans fault that the Law doesn't work BECAUSE of those things!
   Well, if you didn't talk about Obama Care with your Family at the Thanksgiving Dinner table, then, as Obama says, you can talk about it at Happy Hour with your Bartender!  You notice he's NEVER suggested you talk it over with your DOCTOR!!!

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