
Sunday, September 30, 2012


  We have a a number of things coming together to throw the U. S. into chaos, we need to protect ourselves, with information!
  It's all out there! We are in the age of information, the internet has all the information you need to learn who's telling you the truth! Your not going to get it from Main Stream Media, they have been bought! . Go to Twitter and click on some of the links that people post, but you have to be OPEN to the truth! It's so easy to just block what you don't want to believe and chalk it up to conspiracy's! There's also the Blaze, Patriot Lemonade, or you can really go to the source, Conduit has apps to every newspaper and TV station in the world! Iran, boy do they HATE the US and Israel! There's Egypt, Iraq, Russia, China. There's 30 something days left to the Election! 15 min. a day to learn the truth, isn't to much time to spend to keep your FREEDOM!!Your FREEDOM is whats at stake!
   I used to be a loyal Democrat, but they have been corrupted by the Progressive Party! George Soros is a card carrying Progressive-Socialist- One World Order, Billionaire, who has bought and sold Obama and Clinton! Soros has just donated 1 Million $$ to Obama's re-election super-pac. Clinton and Soros are co- founders of "Center for American Progress", a progressive organization that promotes a "One World Order,"along with the United Nations!
  You can look Soros up on Wikipedia! They have some good biography on him.
  Not only have we had the longest recession in recorded history, we have the largest deficit of any administration in the history of the United States, and all in the past 8 yrs. Over 16 Trillion dollars! 6 of that in just under 4 yrs! But, that's just the tip of the iceberg, we also have another 10-15 Trillion in UN-funded pensions and health care, and obligations we've made to country's all over the world.
    We have the turmoil in the Middle East. Doesn't it seem to anyone that this is looking a little all to 'set-up' to anyone? Obama and Clinton have aligned themselves with the Muslim Brotherhood, known as the hub of radical Islam, every radical branch of Islam started in the Muslim Brotherhood! Ask any moderate Muslim is America, they will tell you, what Obama and Clinton are doing is to the demise of the United States and Israel! After helping to oust the leaders of Libya and Egypt, they decide it's okay for the Muslim Brotherhood to take control. Yes, the leaders of those country's were dictators, but they were, 'at least', keeping at bay the terrorists who would, "wipe-out" Israel and the West! Secretary Clinton's adviser and 'right hand' has already been identified as part of the Muslim Brotherhood. Obama has refused to 'draw a line in the sand" with Iran, knowing that they are still working on getting a Nuclear Bomb, and at the UN conference, Iran literally said, the US wasn't going to do anything to stop them. We have people who are KNOWN to have conspired with the 9/11 terrorists, sitting in the White House, at a Muslim prayer dinner, with the President! Yet he "says", he stands with Israel.  I'm sorry, if it looks like a duck, if it quacks like a duck, it's a DUCK!!
   Obama say's a lot of things, he's made a lot of promises, and yet he hasn't done ANYTHING but BLAME! Everything is everyone's fault but his. Usually the Republicans won't do this or has blocked that, but if you pay attention to what's happening in the House and Senate, ( C-Span ) you would know that it's not just the Republican House, The Senate even has stood in his way on the 'Job's Bill', and his 'Budget", they both would have hurt us and cost Billions! A President is suppose to reach across the isle, work with both sides, yet, he doesn't communicate with ANYONE, Republican or Democrat!  He tells Reid what he wants and walks away. THAT is not leading!
  Obama says he wants jobs for the American people, yet he hasn't met with his Job's Council since January! G.E., the head of his jobs council just 'outsourced' thousands of jobs to China, you don't hear anything about that in the media.
  There's an old saying, "Believe none of what you hear, and half of what you see". That especially is true with Obama. I know people are going to say I'm a racist, I hate Muslims and all the other CRAP the left says when you disagree with the status-quot. But I'll tell you one thing, when you continually notice that what is being said, doesn't match what's actually happening, then you need to 'connect the dots'.

Friday, September 28, 2012


                            The Bible warned that 'People will become Blind'.
    Obama and the State Department knew of the security problems at our Embassy before it happened! They knew within 24 hrs.that it had NOTHING to do with some stupid movie, and continued to LIE to the American people.
   Obama and the State Dept. are complicit in the death of 4 people, and endangering the lives of the man, (stupid as he was) who made the movie, and his family, by sending the FBI to 'perp-walk' him, in front of the media, to question and detain him!
   The President and Clinton are as guilty of murder as the people who actually did the killing!!
   Why does the Obama Administration continue to refuse to call a spade a spade? We are fighting a very well organized, determined enemy! Radical Islam!! Yet they won't talk about it, in fact, they "tip-toe" around it like their tongue will fall out by just mentioning it!  Why is it, that no-one in the Obama Administration is ALLOWED to mention it? Why is the person who was elected to the highest position in the country, the man who SWORE to defend and uphold the Constitution of the United States, working with the very people who have sworn to DESTROY the United States and Israel?
    Why is it, that anytime the administration is asked about Radical Islam, they are branded as racist? They are accused of being against Muslims. Why is Obama, Clinton and Eric Holder passing laws, and working with the United Nations, to make it a crime to mention Islam at all??
   Why is killing, imprisoning, and condemning Christians and Jews okay, yet NOT Radical Islam??
  How do you fight an enemy that your not allowed to talk about, learn about, or question, because it may "offend" radical Islam? Why do we have people in the administration who are known Brotherhood, in positions of policy decisions? Why are they "training", our soldiers about Islam, before their sent to Afghanistan to be killed by the same Organization?

  This has to do with the policies of this Administration! The killing of our people at our Embassy,
 has to do with Egypt wanting to bring the 'Blind Sheik home', The same Blind Sheik that bombed the World Trade center in '93, and the fact that Obama and Clinton are considering releasing him, for   humanitarian reasons! It has to do with Clinton's closest adviser, Wiener's wife, being part of the Muslim Brotherhood!
   This has everything to do with the President of the United States, wanting to bring down the United States, and making it part of a "New World Order", With the Radical Islam in charge!! It has to do with the President of the United States being a traitor to the American People, and to the Constitution that he swore to to defend, and the Citizens that elected him!
  The information is out there, all the proof you need, watch, 'the Project", it was on Dish Wed. & Thurs. nite, but you can also watch it at "The Blaze", on archive.
   The American People have got to WAKE UP!!! We are being sold out to the Enemy!!!  This needs to come out into the open!

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Well, the elections are right around the corner and everyone has a decision to make.
    Are you going to vote?
You have two choices the way I see it. You can vote for capitalism, which is what this country was founded on, or, you can vote for the redistribution of wealth and socialism.
Do you believe that the Government knows the best way to spend your money?
Or do you believe that YOU should decide how to spend your money?
Do you believe that more TAX'S are going to fix the economy?
Or, do you believe more JOBS, will fix the economy?
Do you believe the government should say who gets to succeed?
Or, do you believe you should be the captain of your own destiny?
Do you believe the United States should bow to the rest of the world?
Or ,do you believe that the United States is exceptional, and should lead by example?
Do you believe that the United States should apologize for it's freedom?
Or, do you believe that the freedom the United States embraces is what everyone should have the opportunity to have? (without force!)
Here are some fact's, 1). The United States is 16+ TRILLION dollars in DEBT! 2). We have 8% Unemployment, which is actually more that 10% if you count people who 'gave-up'. 3) We have a deadlocked House and Senate because, the  Democratic Senate wants more taxes, the House doesn't.
  4)The whole American light bulb industry was closed down by the Obama Administration, so we can buy bulbs from China. 5) Obama stopped the Keystone pipeline from going through the U.S. which would help lower fuel costs, now China is buying the petroleum company from Canada, along with the leases on U.S. land! 6). The Obama administrations EPA has declared war on the coal industry that supplies 1/3rd of the countries electricity, and 8 coal mines closed this week due to excessive, expensive regulations. 7) Obama swore to protect  the United States from all enemy's, foreign and domestic , yet refuses to protect the Mexican border. Obama swore as President of the United States to defend and protect the U.S. Constitution, yet he refuses to enforce the immigration laws, and BROKE the law by telling the Dept. of Justice and the Immigration IGNORE the law.
We are a country founded on laws, yet we have a President who want's to pick and choose the laws he wants to enforce. That's great for the people it benefits, but what about the rest of us? How is ignoring immigration laws and letting people cross our borders from all over the world, helping the U.S.? We don't have job's now, and we're going to add people who don't pay tax's to the job market? And what about the people crossing that aren't here to work? The Drug cartels, terrorists. What about them? We have immigration laws so we know who's here, so where does that leave us? I don't agree with all the laws either, some should be eliminated or changed. But when I ignore the laws I don't like I go to JAIL!!
  Do we really want someone that holds the most powerful position in this country, to make 'his own' laws? To decide and micro-manage where every dollar will be spent, and on who or what he wants?  Do you want him making deals with other country's, without, 'We the People', knowing anything about it, like the one's he's making now with Mexico and the U.N. to eliminate our Second Amendment and eliminate our right to bear arms? Then the one with Mexico to make it legal for Mexican Citizens to collect Social Security benefits from the U.S. without having to prove they earned those benefits HERE? Do you really want YOUR tax dollars going to educate Mexican Citizens, when you can't afford for your own kids to go?
There is a lot more going on, but unless your spending all your time watching news ,watching C-Span, listening to every word that comes out of Washington, it's impossible to know it all. But what you could do is your homework. Don't believe every word the mainstream media tells you, (they have their own agenda), especially when what's happening around you contradicts all those words! Make your decision on what's right for you and your family, not what's politically correct! Don't depend on Washington to "fix" everything, they DON'T have YOUR best interests in mind!
                                               DO YOUR OWN HOMEWORK!
                          NOT FOR WHAT THEY TELL YOU IS BEST FOR YOU!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012


  Well, Mike and I have lost 3 Doctors this year, thank you Obama, Pelosi and Reid! The Affordable Health Care Act is driving doctors to retire early, or find another line of work. Yesterday my doctor told me that everything you THINK you know about Obama-care, is just an illusion! Everything they TOLD you about Obama-care, is a lie!
  Obama, Pelosi and Reid have developed a Health Care system that changes, without warning, to fit whatever DHHS, (Dept. of Health and Human Services) wants it to be.  The medicine your on today, can be eliminated tomorrow, depending on what a panel of 17 bureaucrats decide. The 17 are not JUST for Medicare, it's for the whole healthcare system! The objective is to eliminate private health insurance altogether and put everyone into a Federal Health Care System.
  When you think about Obama-care, think of the movie with Ashton Kutcnher, when he wants to change the future, the health care bill is a constantly changing entity.      
   Each patient costs him one hour of paperwork, and another for the computer! So far they have changed the program 3 times, (in 1 yr.), as he says it, they may decide tomorrow that the medication I have prescribed for you is to expensive or doesn't work, and just stop it! If I order an MRI to check the progression of your disease, they will decide if it's medically necessary or cost effective. It's no longer between you and your Dr., the whole program is designed to sever the relationship and insert a third party, non-doctor, to decide what you need, how much you need, and if your worth having it!
  The program was created so everyone, (except them) gets the exact same care at the lowest price. It is costing Dr.'s thousands of dollars to comply with the changes being made, and they are cutting the amount the Dr.'s are being paid. So, fewer Dr.'s, this is for the whole Health Care System.
  The whole idea of a 'healthcare system' where you can pick the coverage you want, pay the premiums you can afford, is all a load of crap!  Ask your Doctor! If, they have time to talk to you, because if it doesn't change, you talking to your Dr. will be impossible, because he has to see 10 patients, just to break even on the requirements that have been levied on them!
  You haven't noticed the changes over this past year? If your young with no health issues probably not, but, if you have a condition where you see a Dr. on a regular basis, that's another story.
   Have you noticed that they don't come in the room with your file any more? Now they come in with a computer. A lot of Dr.s will ask you to keep your conversation on the health issues only! One of my Dr.'s has a letter in each room, saying  'please don't talk to Dr. once he start's typing on the computer, and please, keep the conversation on the medical issue only!' The waiting time is getting longer, and the visit shorter.
   I don't know about everyone, but it doesn't come easy for me to trust Dr.'s. I want to know that my Dr. is looking out for ME! That he's giving me the attention I deserve, to get the best care possible. I don't believe in one size fit's all medicine. Well I didn't, I guess I'm going to have to get used to it if this "Affordable Health Care" isn't overturned.
   That's the problem with Government wanting to 'take care of you', you only get as much as they want you to have.