
Thursday, December 19, 2013

Under Armour pledges continued support of Duck Dynasty

Under Armour pledges continued support of Duck Dynasty


      What is happening to our  1st. Amendment? What is happening in this Country when the 'few', are dictating, what EVERYONE is suppose to think, say and feel? Since when am I suppose to roll over and play dead, because you don't like MY Religious Beliefs? or my Political Beliefs?
     I HEAR "tolerance," but I don't see tolerance, I hear 'compassion," but I don't see compassion.  The very people who are TELLING us, we need to accept the DIFFERENCES in people, refuse to follow their own demands!
   I'm a "racist"! NOT,  because I don't like 'Blacks','Indians', Gay's or Lesbians, NO, I'm a 'racist', because I don't agree with 'POLICIES', I'm a "Bigot" or 'Racist', because I don't believe in Gay Marriage, I hate 'poor people,' because I don't think Welfare should be 'forever', and it divides family's, I hate 'women' because I feel 'abortion' is immoral unless it's for a woman's life, incest or rape.  SO WHAT?
    Why is it that I have to be "ACCEPTING", of what YOU  believe? Why can't we just agree to disagree, and get on with life? Why are you so threatened by MY opinion? Why am I accused of racism, bigotry, intolerance, etc. BECAUSE I disagree?  Where is YOUR responsibility ?
   If I don't like something I see in the paper, I don't buy it! If I don't like how some people live, I stay away, so, why can't YOU? Why do you have to FORCE me to 'be like you'?
     I don't go out of my way to tell people what I believe, well, here I write it, but you have a choice NOT to read it! Stop trying to STEAL MY RIGHTS!

Thursday, December 5, 2013


     Not only does the website not work, it's not secure, never was! No Security  Code was ever entered into the website & still isn't!! EVERYONE who uses the website to sign up, is playing Russian roulette with their identity and credit. The site is just the tip of the iceberg, and Obama knows it, and doesn't care!
    You CAN'T keep your Doctor, you CAN'T keep your policy,and in some cases, you CAN'T keep your Hospital,
     Everyday more and more problems are showing it's little head, and Obama is just digging in, like his press conference yesterday.   Challenging "the other side", to just TRY to change it, or "come up with something different", which, they TRIED to do BEFORE Obama Care passed! I watched the ONE time Obama had both parties together, Democrats on one side, Republicans on the other, and EVERY idea by Republicans,  REJECTED, as "more of the same", and leaves things in the Insurance Company's hands. The Federal Government's hands are BETTER???
  Again, it's the Republicans fault that there are so many blunders with Obama Care. It doesn't matter that Obama & Democrats refused to use ANY of their suggestions for the Health Care Bill, it doesn't matter that Republicans tried to tell the Democrats & Obama that the Law doesn't & won't work, or that they tried over 30 times to get it overturned. No, it's the Republicans fault that the Law doesn't work BECAUSE of those things!
   Well, if you didn't talk about Obama Care with your Family at the Thanksgiving Dinner table, then, as Obama says, you can talk about it at Happy Hour with your Bartender!  You notice he's NEVER suggested you talk it over with your DOCTOR!!!

Monday, November 25, 2013


    The ARM'S Treaty with the U.N., this Treaty with Iran, ALL our Civilian Law enforcement & FEMA under the Umbrella of Homeland Security, An EPA that doesn't follow the Law OR the Constitution! 30k Drones watching our every move! A Health Care Law that does more harm than good. Politicians who care more about the next election than doing what's right for the People or the Country!
   The Hypocrisy & Lies in Washington is only part of it, what REALLY pisses me off, is that they think the People are so STUPID that they can't see what's going on. Mainstream Media is so biased, they just don't report anything that might put a bad light on how Americans look at this President!
   Obama has "skirted" the Congress AND the Constitution by 'executive order' more than ANY and ALL Presidents in our History! Now, Harry Reid has invoked the Nuclear Option so Obama can put the 3 Judges in the second highest court, next to the Supreme Court! These 3 positions have been open for years,blocked by Democrats & Republicans alike, because it shifts the POWER balance, and there hasn't been any need for them. Reid says it's because Republicans have BLOCKED all the appointee's from Obama, which is a lie, ALL of Obama's appointees have been approved.
   Obama's not stupid, he knows that because of Obama Care, the Democrats will probably loose the Senate majority, he knows that the Republicans will be challenging a lot of the Policies that Obama has "signed" into law. How better to "get away with murder," than to have Judges in your pocket? Especially since a 'challenge'  can't get to the Supreme Court unless the second court sends it there!
   All over the internet there are amateur sleuths and whistle blowers, trying to warn the American People of all the "behind the scenes" things that Washington is doing to DESTROY our Freedom. This is BOTH sides, Democrats & Republicans alike! Passing laws & adopting policies that they say are to "protect" us, yet, it treats us like criminals! The TSA and the Drones for example!
   There are more & more Law's being passed that take away our choices, "for our own good"! I don't know about everyone else, but, I'm an ADULT! I want to make my own decisions about what's good for ME! What's good for the people down the block, doesn't mean it's good for me, yet Government  is suppose to know MORE & BEST what's good for all of us!
   Our Country is in danger, and I'm not just talking Terrorist's here. If you pay ANY attention to Washington, what is going on there, what our Government is doing TO us, instead of,  FOR us, then you would have to be as scared as I am of what's coming.  I would so much like to be wrong, but I don't think so!
    In just 5 short years, Obama has changed how our Military engages with the enemy, he has literally tied their hands and it's costing lives! How do you fight a war when you can't shoot the enemy unless they DIRECTLY shoot at YOU???
    We are getting so "politically correct" we can't call a spade a spade without it offending someone! How do you fight "TERROR" when you can't say it's "extremist Islam, or extremist Muslim"? With Obama putting the  Muslim Brotherhood in positions of power in our Government, 'sharia' is being recognized in our courts! So far it's been just within the boundaries of Muslims, but what happens when a Muslim wants to start pushing 'sharia' on American Citizens?
    GOD is being taken OUT of EVERYTHING! Anything Christian is being challenged by Obama & the Dept of Justice, even our Troops are being forbidden to keep their Bibles. Our Children aren't being taught our history or the Constitution in School. Most schools are eliminating the Pledge of Allegiance from being recited, they are "brainwashing' our Children to be afraid of Guns, to the point of not even allowing them to play "Cops & Robbers'! Bigotry is the worst I've seen it sense the 60's, Religious Leaders keeping quiet about this new "knock-out" game that's getting people killed, but God Forbid if a black person get's killed while a white is protecting themselves, yet it's okay if they kill each other or white's? How is that right?
  I could name THOUSANDS of examples of where Government is violating our Civil & Legal Rights. Yet, people keep quiet. Where is the Outrage? The only people that are "Standing-up" are the Tea Party, and they are listed as "Terrorist's" by Homeland Security!
   Your not going to find a lot of this in the News, they are covering the behinds of our Politicians, but go to UTube, Wikileaks, Townhall, ANY on line news outlet, Judicial Watch, Newsmax. We need to stand together, get back in the game & VOTE!! "We the People" have been standing on the sidelines way to long! For all of you out there who think their vote doesn't count, think again, because as long as your quiet, someone else will speak for you!

Thursday, November 14, 2013


   Obama is NOW ready to 'stand by his word', "If you like your Health Care, you can keep it, PERIOD". How generous of him! He couldn't do that BEFORE (5) MILLION people lost their insurance? Just HOW does he think the Insurance Company's are going to do that?It's not just something you can 'take back', we know HE doesn't care about the LAW, but what would happen if nobody did? There are State agency's involved to, you can't just do an about face or, 're-do'!
  Didn't the Government just "shut-down" for TWO WEEKS, because the 'President,' REFUSED to negotiate with Republicans?  Didn't the SAME Democrats that are now calling for delays, REFUSE to vote with Republicans to DELAY the 'Individual Mandate'?
   They knew this LAW wasn't going to work! They knew that Millions of people were going to loose their Health Care, yet, not ONE Democrat was willing to cross party lines.
   Hasn't half the Country been telling Washington they didn't want this Health Care Law?
   That was before the Democrats coming up for re-election found out they are in trouble! NOW  
they want to "fix it".
     I'm sorry, I just don't know how Obama thinks he can change the law! Our Constitution is very specific in what the President is allowed to do! For someone who say's he's a Constitutional Lawyer, Scholar, whatever, he can't just say do it & it be done! There are to many things involved here.
   Personally, I'm ready to take a megaphone and hit the street's! I'm so disgusted with BOTH party's, they KNOW the Constitution, yet nobody is calling Obama out on it! I know Republicans are a minority in Washington, but enough is enough!
   If it was just this one thing,maybe, but Obama has been violating the Constitution since he took office, and the Media & Democrats have been covering his ass on it!.

Friday, February 22, 2013


  Today on C-Span, the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, came to voice their commitment to PROTECT our Second Amendment! Star Parker, (Founder), Ken Hutchinson, (Pastor), Harry Alford, (National Black Chamber of Commerce), Niger Innis, (Congress of Racial Equality President), to name just a few of the speakers.
  All of them Black, all of them active in the Community, either in the Church, or in the Professional Sector, and ALL of them know the importance of the Second Amendment. They all agree that your rights are given to you NOT by the Government, but by GOD! (If your Atheist, then whatever you believe in)
  They know that the attack on our right to bear arms has NOTHING to do with stopping violence, and EVERYTHING to do with POWER! Our Constitution was written to PROTECT the People of the United States!  You can watch the whole thing on   Then I would LOVE to hear from YOU!

  PEOPLE kill people! You cannot ban everything that can do harm to another. You MUST change the HEART of the people who would do harm!

Friday, February 8, 2013


  Our Constitution was written to protect the citizens of the United States. It was written because our Founding Fathers knew, first hand, what happens when a Government (or King), has to much power. They came here, a new land, to be free, free to own land, free to worship God, (or not). Free to pursue their dreams without fear of 'loosing their head', for daring to go against ' the crown'. Free to improve their life, and the life of their family.
  In the last 100 yrs. this Country has lost it's way. The 'People' have lost their way. Somehow, 'We the People," have forgotten that it's NOT the Government that owns this Country, it's us, "The People".
  Our 'Government' is a necessary evil, it was formed  to protect us from the threat of invasion, to open up borders for trade across state lines and international trade, to protect the 'People" from threats both foreign and domestic.  It was NOT created to run our lives, invade our privacy, or decide who lives or dies.  This Government seems to feel that our life belongs to THEM and we are to live it as THEY choose, not as WE choose.  But, I can't entirely blame the politicians for that, I blame us, the 'People', for allowing this to happen, let someone else do it, and that's why we are at this point in time!
   Many people in this country seem to think that it's OKAY for our Government, CIA, and, or President,  to use drones to target and kill "American Citizens", if they are determined to be an "Enemy Combatant", WITHOUT a hearing, a trial, or a warrant!.
  There have been NUMEROUS documented cases where our 'government' has ABUSED the trust and power that the "People" have entrusted them with, and like it or not, this is more often than not. I would love to believe that our elected officials were honest, moral and principled people, but they are human, and human is corruptible!
  Since DNA, we have found out that hundreds, maybe thousands of people who were convicted of  serious crimes, Rape & Murder, people who spent 20-30 yrs behind bars, or worse, executed,  only later to be found innocent. Human Beings make mistakes, that's why we have safeguards in place.
  The point is, there is NO PERSON, on this Earth, who should be able to make the decision to take the life of another, without 'due process', or in self defense!. In times of war, we have the "Geneva convention'. But, under THIS administration, for some reason, people have lost whatever common sense they at one time possessed. To allow the President, or anyone else, to make the decision to label a United States Citizen, a traitor or enemy combatant, and then decide to use our drones to kill them, is criminal.
  I've listened to both sides, but once we, as a country, start breaking our own laws, what does that make us?  "We the People", have a DUTY, to be sure our Government stays within the confines of the LAW!
  The idea that anyone in office should have the kind of power to decide, without due process, who an enemy is or isn't, goes against everything that this Country was founded on!

Monday, January 28, 2013


  I'm scared to death! If you watch the news, if you see the violence all around this Country, and the World. The Feinstein Bill to ban 'assault weapons', is one scarey deal. And where will it stop? Hand guns next? Knives? How about cars?
  Let's look at this rationally. The 'kid' who killed all those Children and Teachers in the School shootings was one sick individual. His Mother had done everything 'legally' possible to get help for her son, right up to trying to have him committed.
  That 'kid', tried to purchase  the guns he wanted to do the job, but THE LAWS WORKED! He could NOT buy the guns that he had intended to use. Instead, he killed his Mother, and took HER guns. Tell me this, how would the "Feinstein Bill", have stopped it?  The Bill would keep all citizens from owning those weapons, EXCEPT, Government workers, Police, Homeland Security, etc. Who's to say their 'son's', wouldn't get hold of the  guns, or they are stolen from them?
  The Politicians would have you believe that private citizens don't need those guns, the Police can protect you. How has THAT been working? Criminals get guns, people are killed every day by criminals, in home invasions, robbery's, drive byes, etc. so, where were the Police in those incidents?
  I'm sorry, but, the Police can't be everywhere now, can they? Unless that Officer is standing in your living room when those intruders break in, they aren't going to do you one bit of good. They may catch them on the way out, IF you were able to call them in the first place, otherwise, forget it. All you can hope for is that they are caught and prosecuted later, but look at the facts, maybe one in 10 'stranger' murders are actually caught.
  Obama and Clinton have a "Treaty" in the works now that would give the UN the jurisdiction, or power to confiscate those guns, ALL of them, how will that 'protect' you?!
  Look at the States with the strictest gun laws. They have the HIGHEST crime rate in the Country. So, before you tell your Senator or Congressman to pass that Bill, maybe you should look at the facts first.